About us


We made our debut, while Google was still running in a garage and France won the Football world cup championship title in 1998. We’ve been living the transformations of intellectual property and sport law world for more than twenty years. Together, we are in a position to assist you with the agility, the perspective, the rigor and the tenacity needed to ensure that your projects shape tomorrow’s evolutions.




Vincent Varet

Vincent has been impassioned by the emergence of digital technology in immaterial law for twenty five years.


Xavier Près

Xavier has had several professional lives, with art as a common thread  for nearly 20 years..


Rhadamès Killy

Born in a sport environment,
Rhadamès Killy naturally became a sport lawyer.

In the age of immaterial, mutations are accelerating. These mutations create risks and opportunities. We help you anticipate the former and seize the latter.


You have a project? Let’s talk about it! Request an appointment or a quote

Our books


Publishers website

Le droit de la musique

Sous la direction de Jérôme Huet, en collaboration avec Matthieu Chabaud, Jérôme Huet, Céline Cohen, Stéphanie Maury, Célia Pinès,LGDJ, 2016

Publishers website

Droit d’auteur et dématérialisation

Vincent Varet in Études en l’honneur du Professeur Jérôme Huet, LGDJ 2017

Publishers website

Directives 2019/790 et 2019/789 sur le droit d’auteur dans le marché numérique

Sous la direction de Nicolas Binctin et Xavier Près, Bruylant, à paraître, Année : 2020-2021

Our presentations


« La protection particulière des propriétés olympiques aux Etats-Unis » in « Les propriétés olympiques » (Actes du colloque éponyme qui s’est tenu le 8 mars 2024 à la Cour de cassation), Lefebvre Dalloz 2024

Rhadamès Killy

« La communication impliquant les participants aux Jeux Olympiques : la règle 40 de la charte olympique », Légipresse, avril 2024

Vincent Varet et Rhadamès Killy

« L’intelligence artificielle et le droit d’auteur », Masterclass pour La Fabrique des Formats, septembre 2024

Xavier Près

Some of our interventions

Artificial Intelligence & Data

Advice to a private operator specialized in artificial intelligence regarding the exploitation and commercialization of a healthcare data warehouse.

Some of our interventions

Art & Cultural Heritage

Assistance, advice and recommendations to several cultural public operators: drafting of loan and deposit contracts, insurance of works of art, modalities for enhancing the value of collections, status of works, modalities for operating a photographic fund donations and fundraising.

Some of our interventions

Art & Intellectual Property

Structuring the contractual documentation of the subsidiary of a public institution operating in the cultural and music sector (audit of contracts and practices, drafting of numerous standard and individual contracts, including in particular a contract for the commissioning of works of art, a rights assignment contract, a co-production contract, an intellectual property rights assignment clause to be inserted in the framework of public contracts and articulation with the CCAG-PI, delegation of signature, confidentiality agreement, etc.).

Some of our interventions

Publishing & Personal data

Assistance to a publisher in the context of a pre-litigation with a service provider regarding a security breach that led to the disclosure to third parties of the publisher's employees' personal data.

Some of our interventions

Personal data & IT

Assistance to a publisher of websites and applications in the negotiation of a contract with an "ad-exchange" platform for the sale and purchase of advertising spaces.

Some of our interventions

Audiovisual & Intellectual Property

Representation before the Tribunal of Paris of an audiovisual broadcaster in the context of an action for infringement of alleged copyrights on a TV series project.

Some of our interventions

Publishing & Unfair competition

Assistance to a publisher in pre-litigation proceedings against a competitor regarding the covers of the collections published by each of them.

Some of our interventions

Publishing & Digital

Advice and assistance to a publisher of digital books for the evolution of its activity and its positioning with regard to the law on the price of digital books and the exploitation of audio recordings of readings of published books.

Some of our interventions

Personal, non-personal data & IP

Advice to an industrial company on the possibility of offering its clients, connected services using personal and non-personal data generated by the sensors it manufactures, for industrial equipment.

Some of our interventions

Music & Copyright

Assistance to a collective management society in a dispute with one of its members regarding the inscription of certain works of the latter in the society's repertoire

Some of our interventions

Art, Luxury & Copyright

Drafting of a contract for the commission of work of art to decorate the front of a future palace in Paris.

Some of our interventions

Music, Luxury & Copyright

Drafting of a contract for the use of sound in the various areas of a future palace in Paris.

Some of our interventions

Audiovisual & Financing

Drafting of various agreements relating to the financial guarantees that can be taken on audiovisual catalogs (in particular, pledge and revenue delegation contracts).

Some of our interventions

Trademarks & Local authority

Assistance to a public local authority for the transfer to its benefit of a strategic portfolio of trademarks and domain names, in the context of a transaction related to a property complex owned by the State for 500 years and managed by a private operator.

Some of our interventions

Art & Cultural Heritage

Assistance to a public operator in the context of a litigation with the representatives of an artist acting on the basis of the author's moral rights.

Some of our interventions

Art & Cultural Heritage

Advice and assistance to a major institution dedicated to the preservation, restoration, distribution and exploitation of cinematographic heritage in connection with an international litigaiton concerning an exhibition.

Some of our interventions

Art & Cultural heritage

Assistance to a public operator concerning the status of an important collection of works of art with regard to the conditions for making this collection available to this public institution.

Some of our interventions

Commercial & Sudden termination

Advice, recommendations and representation of a private operator in the context of an action before the Commercial Court for sudden termination of established commercial relations.

Some of our interventions

Internet & Data

Assistance to a leader of online classified ads in the context of a litigation aiming at stopping the plundering of its data by another operator.

Some of our interventions

Internet, Misleading advertising & Unfair competition

Assistance to a private operator specialized in professional training in the context of a pre-litigation with a competitor following the latter's online publication of erroneous reviews, on the basis of misleading advertising and unfair competition.

Some of our interventions

Publishing & Intellectual Property

Assistance to a publisher in the context of a pre-litigation relating to the imaginary biography of the hero of a famous film saga, involving trademark law, copyright and unfair competition.

Some of our interventions

Data & GDPR

Advice and assistance to a start-up specializing in data analysis and optimization using artificial intelligence tools in its GDPR compliance

Some of our interventions

Publishing & Intellectual Property

Representation of a publisher and its manager in the context of several legal actions initiated in the field of infringement, unfair or parasitic competition.

Some of our interventions

Internet & Cybersecurity

Advice, recommendations and representation of a private operator operating in the cultural sector, victim of a cyber attack.

Some of our interventions

Music & Intellectual Property

Advice, assistance and representation of a major player in several litigations relating to the management of intellectual property rights (collection and distribution of royalties)

Some of our interventions

Advertising & IP

Assistance to an operator in the context of a dispute opposing it to a communication agency with respect to an exploitation allegedly carried out without the authorization of the rights holder (negotiation and amicable settlement).

Some of our interventions

Luxury & Intellectual Property

Drafting a set of contracts involving trademark and copyright law between a luxury house and various services providers for the operation of a luxury hotel in Paris.

Some of our interventions


Advice of several travel agencies on the contractual and operational management of travels in the context of the health crisis related to COVID-19.

Some of our interventions

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Advice and assistance to a start-up in the structuring of its IT platform based on an AI system designed primarily for traders: drafting of rights assignment contracts for IT services, drafting of software licenses and rights assignment clauses to be inserted in various contracts (service or employment).

Some of our interventions


Management of trademark portfolios for several operators, private or public, including local authorities: trademark registrations, prior art searches, oppositions, surveillance, notification, letters of formal notice, coexistence and assignment agreements.

Some of our interventions


NFT: Advice and assistance to a major player in the digital information and entertainment sector for the creation of an NFT collection and a competition

Some of our interventions


Representation of a travel agency before the Court of appeal of Toulouse in the context of a dispute opposing it to travelers who tried in vain to claim its liability.

Some of our interventions

Art & Collectors

Advice, assistance and representation of several collectors or artists in the context of several litigations (seizure, theft and restitution of works of art) or for the structuring of their collection (loan, deposit, storage, partnership, insurance of works).

Some of our interventions

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI): Advice and assistance to a telecoms operator in setting up an intelligent voice-controlled application

Some of our interventions

Art & Cultural Heritage

Advice, assistance and representation of several public cultural institutions in a number of separate litigations filed before the civil, criminal and administrative courts (forgery, donations, bequests, purchase of works of art).

Some of our interventions

Virtual Reality (VR)

Advice and assistance to a private operator on all issues relating to personal data and virtual reality: launch of a virtual reality application offering virtual tours of several cities in Europe in augmented and mixed reality; live broadcasting of the launch of a project, in virtual reality on a Virtual Reality App

Some of our interventions

Audiovisual & Intellectual Property

Advice and assistance to several audiovisual producers: co-production contracts, executive production contracts, rights assignment contracts (authors and performers), distribution contracts and mandates

Some of our interventions

Data & GDPR

Advice and assistance to the French production subsidiary of a world leader in non-alcoholic beverages in its compliance with the so-called "Informatique et Libertés" law and then with the GDPR, with in particular the implementation, imposed on its holding, of an internal alert system

Some of our interventions

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Advice and assistance to an AI and data science specialist providing targeted decision support solutions: drafting of R&D and consortium agreements



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